
     I finished my storyboard! The script will be posted at a later date, but I already know the basics of the dialogue and there isn’t too much.


     Since I’m here, I also thought it’d be a good place to put all of my cinematic references. There’s a lot of older movies here (with the exception of Insatiable) and French cinema, which I’ve been watching more of recently and taking inspiration.


Suicide Club (2001)

Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989)

Overthinker, Artur Halka

Insatiable (2018)

La Femme de L’Aviateur (1981)

Les Biches (1968)

CCR: Ideas

     I have a couple of ideas for my CCRs, and I need to do at least 2, so here are the two I'll probably use: