2/10/25 - Group Meeting #1
In today's group meeting, all of us went around and discussed our ideas for the movie, and then discussed various other movies we had seen that we can use for inspiration. Everyone's ideas were really unique and gave me a lot of ideas for my own opening. One idea in particular I really liked was Ryan's. It was also a psychological drama but it was about a girl in a Christian family who lost her mom, and a lot of the ideas he had for the intro were really good ones that I might take inspiration from. I also got the opportunity to tell other people my idea, and they said it was interesting, so I'll take that as a good sign.
I also got to check out everyone's blogs, which gave me a good idea of how much other people are writing and how much I should be. Most people were writing in my range, but a few posts I saw had much more elaboration, and my teacher told all of us to stick to "description/analysis/reflection" for our posts, which let me know I should be writing more.
All in all, this was an important moment which gave me a lot of insight into what I should do for my own project. Even if we may have gotten off-track a few times, it was still really helpful to hear about others' projects and get advice for my own.