There won't be too many props in my introduction, but the ones that are shown will be important, so I want to make sure I get them all to look good. If the props are off, then the production will look cheap, and I don't want that at all.
I've decided that the girls Marina and Daria will be represented by the colors blue and pink respectively. This works well since my bedroom has mostly blue and pink with purple walls. My bathroom walls are also green, a color which is mixed with blue and completely excludes pink. The props should also reflect this color scheme, and will be a big factor when I think about props.
If you've read my plot summary, you know that in the intro there is a very important birthday cake in my opening. Since it will be in a lot of shots paralleling the sisters, I need it to be decorated well, and since I want to show their closeness, it should be colored in a way that is representative of both of the girls. This means that the cake should be blue and pink as well, so ideally it would have those colors. While the frosting is undecided, the flavor of the cake will definitely be vanilla. Vanilla cake is seen as more delicate in comparison to flavors like chocolate, so it will contrast the scene and make the viewer see Marina's eating in a different light.
Another option would be a white frosted red velvet cake. It would look a lot more uncomfortable when Marina eats it with her hands since it's red, which could be interesting, but I don't want the scene to be scary as much as sad.
I barely considered getting chocolate since it would look too much like the scene in Matilda where the kid is forced to eat the chocolate cake, and I don't want Marina to look like that at all. It's a sad and slightly uneasy scene, not a comedic or shock one.
Marina will wear glasses at home. My mom, sister, and I all have blue light glasses and my mom has reading glasses, so I have a couple options. One of the glasses is red with a thin frame, a few are black with a normal frame, and the one I have is brown with a big frame.
I chose the brown ones for Marina since the bigger frame would cover more of her face, but also accentuate her eyes which will let us see her emotions more clearly than the other frames would. It also won't cover her blue eye makeup, and since blue is most of her color pallet, it's important that it's shown on her in the introduction.