Production: Obstacles 2 - Electric Boogaloo

     I can't tell if I'm overthinking things or if this is the correct amount of thought supposed to be put into this. This is a very big project so obviously I want to cover all my bases, but I think I need to take a breather. I have a lot of work to do and I can't let stress mess it up.
     That being said, I'm back to editing my script. I know, I finished it weeks ago, but I decided to add a bit more lines for Daria to flesh out their relationship. I want to get across that Daria views Marina as selfish and doesn't know what her issues are, causing her to say some rude things.

CCR: Ideas

     I have a couple of ideas for my CCRs, and I need to do at least 2, so here are the two I'll probably use: