Sound Project (10/10/24)

 Sound Project

Sound Project

     For this project, we were tasked to create a story with only sound. Before doing this project, we learned about how editors create sound in a film through foley stages and layering, and we were told to use at least 4 foley sounds in our submission.

     We decided to base our story around a car crash so there would be many opportunities for foley within the scene. We created an outline and added any sound we thought could be used. This base helped us decide which sounds we would create and which sounds could be found on the internet, and gave us a blueprint of how we would layer the audio. The project was edited using Adobe Premiere Pro.

     There are a few things I think could’ve been improved on. In both the grass and the inside of the house, the walking noises may have been too loud and sounded more like stomping. If I could redo the project, I definitely would have recorded a softer sounding foley. Additionally, there could have been more layered metal noises for the car crash, which would be another good opportunity to add foley sounds. 

Footsteps Foley

     However, I think most things about this project turned out great. The heartbeat sound we created using a towel turned out very good, and the storytelling present when the man gets a notification and starts texting helped tie the scene together very well. Overall, I think we did a great job on this project and I am very proud of it.

Heartbeat Foley

CCR: Ideas

     I have a couple of ideas for my CCRs, and I need to do at least 2, so here are the two I'll probably use: