Leela Mohan - 9/30/24 - AICE Media Studies
One Word Film Analysis
For this project, we were tasked to create a silent short film based off of one word. We got the word "Serious".
While brainstorming, we thought hard about what type of scene would represent the word "serious", until we landed on an office setting. We decided to go with a story about a worker rushing to complete his work before showing his strict boss. The sheet we used helped us visualize what different scenarios would look like and what they might evoke in a viewer. Our storyboard also really helped us see what the project would look like when we completed it. It helped me choose what angles to use that would most display the character's emotion and the feeling of suspense.
To edit, I utilized iMovie. This is something I definitely regret as there were a lot of things I was unable to do, and other editing software have more options.
Overall, I think that some parts of the projects could have been improved. If I could redo it, I would reshoot the scene of the open office door and replace it with the door opening, and try to make the office worker look more scared in the scenes he is in. I would also like to refilm the clock with a tripod so it is less shaky. For editing, I would remove the sound of the ticking clock and replace it with a suspenseful soundtrack. I would have also liked to make the cuts quicker during the climax of when he is working, but iMovie does not allow for clips shorter than 0.4 seconds.
However, I think that some shots were chosen well, such as the man's beads of sweat on his forehead. I am glad we chose to use water as fake sweat. I also liked the shot of the eyes looking at the worker from behind the computer, as it made the boss look more menacing to not show much of her face. Additionally, I think the idea of the quick cuts was good, even if the execution wasn't what I would have liked.